Atlas Kasbah

Winner of the World Trophy for Responsible Tourism

Rooms and suites

For the best rates for your stay in Morocco, book directly via the Ecolodge website: Book

  • Double / Twin Standard room 1100 dh / 101 €

    Double/twin for 2 pers.

  • Double / Twin Traditional upstairs room 1300 dh / 120 €

    Double/twin for 2 pers.

  • Double / Twin Superior Tower room 1600 dh / 147 €

    Double/twin pour 2 pers.

  • Triple room 1600 dh / 147 €
  • Upstairs Family Suite 2200 dh / 203 €

    2 adults and 2 or 3 children

  • Chambre Single

    - 300 dh / - 29 € on the above rates

Immediate discounts if you book direct

Book the best rates for your stay in Morocco by booking directly through the Ecolodge website

Traveling around

Private airport transfer - Meet & Greet(1 - 2 people)

 From 7am to 9pm : 300 Dh / 29 €

From 7am to 9pm : 350 Dh / 33 €

Car rental 350 Dh / day (33 €)

Dacia Logan or equivalent

We accept payment in cash (Dirhams and Euros) or by Visa or MasterCard. All rates given in Euros are approximate and given for guidance only. They are based on exchange rates at the time of publication online.

Atlas Kasbah

First ecolodge in Morocco and North Africa